Organic Electronics laboratory


Professor Shuhei NAKAMURA

Associate Professor Tatsunosuke MATSUI

Associate Prof. Yusuke AOKI

Condensed matter electronics laboratory Home Page (under construction)

Now organic materials such as plastics, rubbers, etc. are used widely for electrical and electronic materials in our life. In Condensed Matter Electronics Laboratory, we are studying the electrical insulating and mechanical properties of organic/inorganic composite materials and organic/inorganic hybrids, and their industrial application.

1. Research on Composite Materials as a Complex System
We have been investigating the electrical and mechanical properties of composite materials made with polymer and fillers based on the percolation phenomena. We have been developing composite separators and gasket of polymer electrolyte fuel cell.

2. Research on Heat-Resistive Materials and Their Application
Organic/inorganic hybrid materials made with polydimethylsiloxane and metal alkoxide prepared through the sol-gel reaction have good electrical insulating and mechanical properties. Thus, they have great potentials on electronic applications. We have been developing heat-resistive elastic and electrical insulating materials and good thermally conductive materials.

3. Non-Linear Phenomena
Degradation of electronic material is caused by a synergy effect through many mechanisms. For example, water treeing in power cable grows by a combination of electric field and contaminated water and gives a non-linear I-V characteristic. The non-linear behavior gives us rich information if we apply a sound model to it. Thus, how to make a sound model to explain a non-linear behavior such the power generation performance of PEFC, water tree and resistivity of composites and so on is our study.